Wednesday, November 12, 2008


1. Born. 9/4/92
2. 2 yrs, Moved to Strongsville
3. 4 yrs, Kindergarten
4. 6 yrs, Dustpan Incident
5. 8 yrs, Moved
6. 8 yrs, Got a Dog
7. 10 yrs, Switched Schools
8. 12 yrs, Center Middle School
9. 12 yrs, Natalie born
10. 14 yrs, SHS
11. 15 yrs, Arcade Fire
12. 15 yrs, Coldstone
13. 15 yrs, Across the Universe
14. 16 yrs, Alive.

1 comment:

Emily said...

The dustpan incident.
I love Moser Culture.

And I wish I knew about Arcade Fire back then. I would have loved to have seen LIES LIES in concert!!!
