Monday, November 10, 2008

General Information: Holidays

Holiday. This word means different things to everyone: from a plethora of food, exciting presents, chaotic family fights, exciting presents, days off of work, etc. The list goes on and on. There are many holidays celebrated through many religions and in many cultures throughout the world. Here are some of the most well-known holidays in America.

1. Christmas: On December 25th, every single year. This holiday is used to commemorate the birth of baby Jesus, and for Christians, the birth of God in human form. On this day, family members and loved ones are to give each other gifts. This tradition was meant to encourage the value of family, but in a modern time is often commercialized to a point of high levels of stress regarding gifts.

2.Thanksgiving. On November , every single year. This holiday is to remember the giant feast that the Native Americans and European Pilgrims shared together as the Pilgrims began their lives in America. The story of the feast is used to show American values of acceptance of diversity, thankfulness, and unity. (Spoiler alert: the European Pilgrims then shunned and mistreated the Native Americans.)

3. The 4th of July- America’s Day of Independence. On this day, the U.S. celebrates the anniversary of its independence from Great Britain. Celebrated with large parties, sparklers, and finished off with fireworks in neighborhoods across the nation.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yeah these are the only three holidays I celebrate too haha.

¡QuĂ© perezosa eres!
