Monday, November 3, 2008

Slang Dictionary

Urban Dictionary contributes the following slang words that would be useful for anyone to know:

1. Brah:
This is the slang term for "bro" which is slang for brother. This term is slang inside a slang. It is the pigeon (English-Hawaiian slang) word that is used state wide in Hawaii not only by surfers but by all people born and raised in Hawaii of all racial groups.
ex. What's up brah?!

2. Golddigger:
Any woman whose primary interest in a relationship is material benefits. A woman who cares more about a man's bank account than she does about the man. The closest male equivalent is a gigolo or boytoy.
ex. She isn't into you, she's just a golddigger!

A person, typically male, who says or does things that cause you to give them a 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look. The 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look is classified by a glare in the tool's direction and is usually accompanied by muttering of how big of a tool they are. The tool is usually someone who is unwelcome but no one has the balls to tell them to get lost. The tool is alwasys making comments that are out-of-place, out-of-line or just plain stupid. The tool is always trying too hard to fit in, and because of this, never will. However, the tool is useful because you can use them for things; money, rides, ect.
ex. Shut up, man, you are such a tool!

4. Salty
A word originating in Philadelphia generally meaning that you just got played, or are looking stupid, either because of something you did, or something that was done to you. Emotional symptoms include anger, irritability, and grumpiness. (see Sandy Zhang).
ex. I forgot about her birthday party so now she's all salty.

A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned." Instead, it said, so-and-so "has been pwned."
ex. Ahw, man, you just got PWNED!

6. Facebook
An online network open to college students at certain universities. Students make up their own profiles which include a picture, name, birthdate, interests, and classes. They can then search for other students at their university or another university that has the facebook. One can add people they know or random people as their "friends." Good for: 1.) Procrastinating 2.) Stalking
ex. Person 1: Wow, that party on Friday was crazy!
Person 2: I missed it!
Person 1: That's alright, just Facebook it!

7. Creeper
A person who does weird things, like stares at you while you sleep, or looks at you for hours through a window. usually a close friend or relative. you know right away if that person is a creeper or does creeper things. it is not hard to spot the creeper.
ex. Yeah, he visits my facebook page like every day! What a creeper!

8. Myspace Whore
Usually a female on MySpace who goes nights without sleep just so she can post comments, bulletins, and pictures. She will often skip homework so she can be on MySpace, and naturally gets on it once she's at school. She'll generally have over 1000 friends because she'll be posting really slutty pictures of herself and pictures where you can't see her face. Generally has the same taste in music as everyone else on MySpace and is constantly threatening to delete her MySpace account because she's begging for attention.
ex. God, I wish Anna would stop posting bulletins about her new pictures... she's such a myspace whore.

When too much information is given about any one (usually personal) subject matter.
ex. Person 1: I would've come, but I have had the worst case of the runs since like--
Person 2: STOP! STOP! Oh my god, OVERSHARE!

10. No homo
Phrase used after one inadvertently says something that sounds gay. "The fact that i've never, as long as you've known me, been a homosexual might escape you, so in case I say something that can be remotely mistaken for homosexual in nature, I'd like to reassure you that I'm not trying to seduce you."
ex. You're a great friend... no homo.

11. Queen
A flamboyant homosexual, usually male, always FABULOUS.
ex. Did you see his outfit tonight? He is such a queen.

12. Fierce
A word used by two fashion divas, Tyra Banks and Christian Siriano. It is used to describe someone or something that stands out from the crowd for all the right reasons. It gets noticed.
ex. Christian Siriano's outfit designs are always totally FIERCE.

13. Dbag
A general term that stems from a shortening of or douchebag; can be used in many ways: A)Can sometimes be used as a playful insult among friends, especially if one of them has done something stupid or absentminded; B)Can be used as a semi-serious insult, as when person A has actually been offended by a comment or action done by person B, but person A does not wish to get into fight; he merely wants to express his annoyance.
ex. Person 1: Oh, I totally forgot to do that english paper!
Person 2: You dbag! You do your english homework?!

14. Sloppy
Sloppy is the 2nd term in " The Crew's Definition of Drunk Levels." In this case, the person is usually walking around, mayyybe slurring a couple words together, but it still comes out classy. Always Stay Classy. They may end up going around talking to older Boys, and or younger Girls, and become BBF's with them for that One Night. Sloppy people are sloppy. If you are around them, you will probably have a drink spilt on you sometime that night. But don't worry, they'll help you clean it up, with a giannnt smile on their face, which they can't help, because they are having a riot.
Ex. She was so straight-edge in high school, but now she's sloppy all the time!

15. That's what she said!
Said during a conversation with someone that unintentionally says a comment that could be taken into sexual context. Referring to what a female might have said during the "act", but actually has nothing to do with sex in any way. Usually unnecessary.
ex. Dlackey: If anyone walks in, hide behind the door.
Kyle: That's what she said!
Joanie: You're such a tool.


Tom said...

Hey Joanie I've got a really cool story! I am person 1 and person 2 is someone else. 2: Hey brah!, 1: Mark, you're such a tool!, 2: Why are you so salty? Is it cause i pwned you in swim practice? It is isn't? I kept stroking until I hit the wall and you didn't. HAHAHA!, 1: No its just that some Myspace whore found me on Facebook and is a total creeper. She keeps sending me these fierce looking outfit designs. And I just told her: STOP IT RIGHT NOW!, 2: You're a DBAG!

Emily said...

HAHAH Tom!!!!
I love your sentences!!!

Joanes oh my god. Documentaries are going to be on Monday?!
I mean I know it's not the world's smallest people or anything, but I figured you could enjoy that.
