Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Strongsville Local Lore

"Heyyyy, let's go to Coldstone!" This phrase is often heard coming out of the mouths of people I know: The kids in my math class, my stand partner in orchestra, my little brother, my big brother, any family friends or guests we have, and just about everyone in between. I have worked at Coldstone Creamery in Strongsville for over a year now, and it has become a staple in my life. The employee discount I receive means that I go there more than just when I work. My friends and I go there to hang out, my family goes there to celebrate, and my co-workers and I often stop in just to visit. The CD player set up in the back means that I get my own choice of music-- coworker's approval pending, and the plethora of ice cream out front means I can eat whatever and whenever I want. The lenient rules mean that my coworkers and I have a lot of fun, and many great stories have come from crazy adventures at Coldstone (from gummy bear fights, to making cakes for our friends, to sneaking out back while on the clock, we've done it all). In the time that I have worked there, my coworkers have become my friends. I have seen them as they left high school and entered college, and enjoyed it when they return to visit. As I continue in my second year at Coldstone Creamery, I have learned many great skills for interacting with people. I love spending time at this place, and I take pride in the motto that I will be a Coldstoner Fo' Life!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Joanes I love you.
"Sneaking out back while on the clock"
hmmm... ;)
I love Coldstone.
